I've seen, heard, and talked to multiple people who went to methadone, suboxone, and buprenorphine clinics to get off of kratom. There's multiple articles online talking about buprenorphine as an "effective" method of quitting kratom.
How about a common sense taper? I mean I've stopped taking kratom 3 separate times. The first I was dosing about 3.5g per dose and was around 13g per day ( I think that's right, 4-5 doses of 3.5g. let's go with 5 doses because I know I had days with that many)... I tapered and jumped off at 0.5g I had been taking kratom daily for a year and a half. I took 3-4 months to taper. Was like kicking caffeine kinda. I had one 24 hour period that I was a bit shaky on. The next day that was gone and I just had a little runny nose, watery eyes thing happening for a few days. I don't get these people taking naloxone or buprenorphine to get off kratom. You're trading a plant with a weaker affinity for the opiate receptors (mu in particular, kratom has a pretty weak affinity for it), for a synthetic with a higher affinity for the mu opioid receptors.... That makes zero sense to me.